
The most powerful force to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty is girls.

When you connect Girls to what they need, unleash the limits communities set for them, and change how girls see themselves- they change the world.


When we succeed — girls flourish.

Adolescent girls and young women face internal and external barriers that limit their control over their health, livelihoods, and education.

Even with the right information, harmful gender norms, systems, and policies hold them back.

But with support, they can overcome these obstacles and unleash their full potential.


Last year, we reached 23 million girls with content that challenged the gender norms that make it harder for girls to live the lives they envision for themselves.

We reached:

2.3 million girls in Tanzania

2.3 million girls in South Africa

894,000 girls in Ethiopia

2.6 million girls in Kenya

14.9 million girls in India


We redefine what communities and girls think of themselves.

Girl Effect supports adolescent girls and young women to make informed choices and changes in their lives, enabling them to take control of their body, health, education, and future.

We work with various stakeholders, including girl researchers, creators, champions, and advisors as well as technical experts, partners, and government structures, to inspire girls, co-develop solutions, and connect them to support and services for improved health, education, and livelihoods.

Our approach redefines what communities and girls themselves, think they can and should do, shifts gender norms and uses modern technologies to reach girls in both digitally connected and disconnected communities.



Girl Centered

We engage girls at every stage.

With their advice and support, we design and deliver relevant, culturally responsive, and impactful solutions - centering their voices and needs throughout.

So far, 83 young people have contributed their expertise and perspectives as members of our Youth Advisory Panels. Their voices are crucial—they help shape our work, ensuring it is safe, strong, and impactful.

Together we’ve:

  • Uncovered key insights through large-scale research studies
  • Developed engaging digital and analog media ecosystems
  • Created evidence-based messaging to challenge long-held beliefs about gender, health, mental well-being, and economic livelihoods
  • Used technology to build innovative solutions tailored to girls' unique needs

Network members collaborate with our team to co-design products and solutions - enabling us to prototype, test, and launch initiatives within their communities (designing and creating content that plays a pivotal role in driving vital conversations).

TEGAs play a crucial role in collecting authentic insights to guide our work. We leverage technology to equip, train, and support young women to become TEGAs, who then collect real-time insights into the lives of their communities.

To date, we've trained 450 TEGAs who have conducted over 25,000 interviews with girls and their communities.

Girl Champions act as peer engagers - by harnessing peer networks and support systems we can optimise a girl’s concept of who she is and what she is capable of.

Equipped with digital tools, Girl Champions become agents of change within their communities – facilitating discussions with wider networks - particularly those with limited access to mobile and digital.


Digital & Analogue Multimedia Systems

We meet girls where they are today, in the spaces and on the platforms and channels they love and trust.

Girl Effect harnesses the power of branded media (TV, radio, social media, and print) and technology (chatbots, websites, mobile applications, and interactive voice response systems) to reach young people with social behavior change communications at scale.

In places where digital access is limited, Girl Effect employs innovative solutions to ensure last-mile communities have access to the tools, services, and support they need to flourish.


Systems Change

We work closely with supply-side partners and governments to create sustainable change from individual to policy level.

We integrate with existing systems and co-create new solutions to facilitate access to youth-friendly and life-changing services when they are ready - supporting girls to take up new behaviors. By working closely with supply-side partners and governments, including Ministries of Health, we transform systems to work for girls.



We take an integratedapproach to health.

We provide adolescent girlsand young women with essential information and links to services for immunization, mental health, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and early childhood development.

We know when girls experience better health outcomes, it amplifies positively – leadingto increased education rates, higher youth employment, and progressive social norms that erode the internal and external barriers that hold girls back.

We equip young people to access information andservices to:

  • Unlock their agency Get life-saving vaccines
  • Improve their sexual and reproductive health
  • Understand and care for their mental wellbeing
  • Enhance their nutrition
  • Provide nurturing care for their children


We promote choice through knowledge.

Girls face multiple barriers to completing secondary education, including expectations from family to contribute financially and caring responsibilities.

We support adolescent girls and young women to overcome barriers and redefine what they believe is possible for a girl.


We create foundations for girls to thrive.

We support adolescent girls and young women to reimagine their futures and achieve their economic aspirations - equipping them with the skills they need to identify and apply for secure, fulfilling, and dignified employment opportunities.

We inspire young people to access information and services to:

  • Realize, develop, and articulate their unique skills
  • Apply to dignified employment opportunities
  • Pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions
  • Identify relevant mentors to support their journey